"Are you really sick?" I half-laughed, forced the French Fries that I'm savoring down my throat and point at myself. "You don't believe me?" "Nope" Straightly. I'm not prepared to explain to people right now. Can't people take a break whenever they just want to. I am entitled to. And I'm just practicing my rights. "I …

Throwing away my madness and shitness at the world

I'm helpless as shit. Last night, after I finished binged watching Sister Slam Dunk Season 2's second to the last episode, I did my laundry - with music banging on the bathroom. I was singing hard with a poker face like Sarah Geronimo when "See You Again" plays,  and I suddenly sob like a little girl. Because …

"Most people die at 25 and aren't buried until they're 75." - Benjamin Franklin  

Let’s go home

You spent the day busy with work, busy with internet articles, busy sparing some time chatting with your officemates. Then time ticks 7pm and that's when reality struck you really hard. The people are gone, probably on their way home, happy and relieved for this day is finally over and tomorrow's a new day. But for …